
Thank you for your interest in the Local Advocacy Network, composed of over 30 counties and districts up and down California. These groups believe that every child should have access to the lessons, skills and magic that only an arts education can provide. We work to educate and engage the public to support public funding for arts education in local schools.
The goals of each local coalition are unique to their community context, but are guided by a common set of goals and strategies that the Alliance have developed over the years.
Local Advocacy Network Strategies include:
  • Advocate for inclusion of arts education in a district Local Control Accountability Plan
  • Build relationships with superintendent and school board
  • Survey school board candidates before an election
  • Attend school board meeting, make a presentation, participate in public comment, or coordinate a student performance and/or testimony
  • Pass or update a District Arts Plan
  • Undertake an assessment of district or county arts education resources and gaps
  • Partner with parents groups, local businesses and arts organization
  • Participate in the Student Voices Campaign
  • In collaboration with members of their community and the Alliance field manager, new groups identify which of these goals and strategies are a good match for the specific circumstances of their community. The California Alliance provides communications resources, training and technical and financial support for all aspects of establishing a new Alliance site.