WHAT: The Candidate Survey Project invites local school board candidates across California to go on record with their views about the role of arts education in local schools. The results, published on the Alliance website, will be promoted by a statewide network of local coalitions as well as state and local arts organizations to thousands of prospective voters before the election, giving the public a way to learn more about candidates’ views before they vote.
WHY: In recent years, local school boards have been given increasing control over how education dollars are spent. The passage of the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) in 2013 solidified that shift, giving local school boards unprecedented power on how specific programs are funded in district schools. Effective advocacy for arts education programs in California public schools must target local school board members, and elections provide a valuable opportunity.
Candidate surveys provide a time-based, newsworthy way to raise awareness about the value of arts education in public schools. They educate candidates and the public about the issue, and spark ongoing conversations and relationships between local school board members and advocates.
HOW: It's easy to survey your local school board candidates! We provide all the tools you need to undertake a survey in your local districts - check out our step-by-step guide. To be sure responses are listed in the published results, we ask that candidate responses be submitted by Thursday, October 20th.
The Alliance operates its own online publishing platform to display results in an easy-to-follow visually driven format. All results will be published and available two weeks before the election.
The California Alliance for Arts Education is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and we do not endorse candidates. In some cases, nonprofits may endorse bills or pieces of legislation.
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