Specific Ways to Advocate For Arts Education in Your Community Now

"Advocacy" can be a pretty daunting word. Really, it's about creating opportunity for conversation, information sharing and action. If you're reading this, it's likely you subscribe to the school of thought that the arts is an essential component of any education that contributes to the success of students. But how can you, an individual, share that sentiment with those who are not necessarily part of the "choir"? Whether you are a teacher, parent, or school administrator, check out these specific, simple things you can do now to support the arts at your school and in your community.


  1. Ask your principal to invite the superintendent and school board members to holiday performances given by your students
  2. Adapt a lesson plan from Artrageous to a holiday theme, take photos of student artwork and share it with the parents of your class (on your school website, on a class facebook page, in an email or in a take-home flier).
  3. If your school has a choir, gather them together and carol at the district office. At the end, hold up a sign that says "Arts in School Brings Us Joy".


  1. After attending your student's performance, send an email or letter to the superintendent in appreciation of the arts in your school and copy your principal and your music/dance/drama teacher. Include photos of your kid in the performance. People really respond to photos!
  2. Post your student's holiday-themed visual artwork on Facebook with a caption, "Arts matter at our school. Join Bay Area Parents For the Arts."
  3. Take your children to at least one holiday performance during the season - theater, symphony, ballet - there are so many in downtown San Jose and the surrounding areas to choose from! Check out LiveSV to find one!

School Administrators:

  1. Attend the holiday performances of schools in your district. In your next newsletter, include a message about the positive impact of the arts at your school(s).
  2. Write a personal "thank you" note to each of the arts teachers or parent arts leaders at the schools in your district.

Then come back and tell us how it worked by leaving a comment below.