Here is the direct link to the short 8-answer Sustaining South Bay Arts Survey.
Dec 12th, 3:30pm-5:00 pm, 3:30pm-5:00pm - LoCAL Arts Collaborative will be sharing their research and civic action steps at Casa Familiar's, THE FRONT, in San Ysidro.
February 11, 2012, afternoon, South Bay heART on Center arts and activism event on Center St. in Chula Vista.
Please fill the survey out this week. Also, please feel free to forward to your contacts of interest this week, if you would like them to be entered into the upcoming password protected South Bay arts directory. Thank you for your patience with such a task the student-driven LoCAL Arts Collaborative is producing for the artist and arts advocates (e.g., educators, businesses, nonprofits, civil town gov't, funders, event planners, etc.) that care about the South Bay community.
The San Diego arts community has come alive amid the South Bay!You are invited to a community-builder panel discussion on Monday, December 12th, 2011 from 3:30-5:00pm at Casa Familiar's The FRONT at 147 W San Ysidro Blvd., San Ysidro, CA 92173.Engage with SDSU’s Fall 2011 General Studies student collaborative; a hybrid course of undergraduate research and service learning designed and instructed by SDSU's Division of Undergraduate Studies faculty member, Kimberly V. Feilen, Ph.D. During this community-building and networking event, we will explore their arts revitalization efforts that stemmed directly from our grass–roots civic engagement project that began Spring semester 2010. Come join local advocates, artists, social service agencies, nonprofits, community organizations, schools, local government, media, and businesses in this unique opportunity to share their passion to unite our communities through the arts.This collaborative will share their project-based research and civic action steps that were organically built out of previous semester collaborative's efforts that include:
- how the arts are linked to our generations, businesses, and environmental beautification in the South Bay
- the process of gathering information and how to apply it to the local community
- refinements and current additions to their electronic database of arts resources dedicated to the South Bay
- a Story Teller's Documentary on key South Bay events
- their community planning and advocacy for the upcoming first-ever South Bay live arts and activism event: heART on CENTER
So come connect and support the collaborative's commitment to sustain the South Bay through its diverse community arts!Please RSVP with number of guests to this message, or writing LoCAL Arts Collaborative at - on behalf of Dr. Kimberly V. Feilen’s General Studies 200 and 400: Sustaining Our Community Through the Arts course Lastly, I will be sending around shortly the submission application form for HeART on Center participation as an artist, vendor, funder, or volunteer. In the meantime, please connect at: