What if you could create change by making a video? That was the question proposed to school students (grades 7-12) across California in the recent 3rd annual STUDENT VOICES CAMPAIGN, presented by the California Alliance for Arts Education. The campaign empowered students to make videos that communicate what matters to them and share them with their local school board. Hundreds of students representing 7 California counties participated by submitting their vision ranging from the need for arts education, updated computers, and bathrooms for trans and non-binary gendered students.
"This is a video that shows why we need gender-neutral restrooms at our schools for trans and non-binary students in our district. There are many trans and non-binary students in our district who do not feel comfortable in gendered restrooms. This means many of these students don’t go to the restroom during school even when they need to." Student, Lincoln High School, San Jose Unified School District
"Your case is compelling and I am impressed that you took the time to create a persuasive and professional video to make your case. I am going to look into our district's current restroom policy and see if we need to update it. I agree that every student should feel safe at school and the only concern should be learning. I will follow up with your group in a day or two so we can review together what exists and what should be." School Board Member, Susan Ellenberg, San Jose Unified School District
Students were asked to answer in two minutes or less:
• What is your vision for your school?
• What ignites your creativity, imagination and passion?
• What can your school do to inspire change?
Submissions were selected as finalist by an esteemed panel of judges including Game of Thrones director, Jack Bender, TV Actor Jason Ritter, California Arts Council member, Louise McGuiness as well as students from Oakland and Los Angeles.
In the third year of the Student Voices Campaign, the California Alliance for Arts Education is pleased to partner with some of the state’s most influential arts and education leaders, including Adobe Project 1234, Alameda County Office of Education, Arts for LA, the California Arts Council, Bay Area Video Coalition, the California State Summer School Arts Foundation, Center Theatre Group, Get Lit Words Ignite, Clarence E. Heller Foundation, Walter and Elise Haas Fund, Inner-City Arts, Oakland School for the Arts, San Francisco Art Institute, Sony Pictures Entertainment, San Francisco District PTA, and Venice Arts.
“We have created a contemporary platform using new technology to provide students with a voice as districts across California determine priorities and budget allocations under the new Local Control Funding Formula,” explained California Alliance for Arts Education Executive Director Joe Landon.
With support from the California Arts Council, the Alliance produced a Teacher’s Guide, which equipped teachers with tools to teach the campaign as a project-based curriculum lesson, allowing students to explore real-world challenges and practice civic engagement, creative communication and leadership.
"Students can play an important role in their district's planning process, but only if they have the goals, information and inspiration needed to participate. The California Arts Council is proud to support this media-arts outreach project to California youth that encourages their civic engagement in the LCFF," said Craig Watson, Director, California Arts Council
2016 Student Voices Campaign Finalist Videos
Title of video | Name of school | Name of school district |
A Student Named Art | Get Lit - Words Ignite | Various |
Confidence | East Los Angeles Performing Arts Magnet | LAUSD |
Creative Oasis | Arcata High School | Northern Humboldt Union |
CTE | Belmont High School | LAUSD |
Dance Makes Family | Center High School | Center Unified School District |
Different | Brookhurst Junior High School | Anaheim Union High School District |
Disconnected | Livermore High School | Livermore Valley Joint Unified School District |
Drama Helps Everyone! | Brookhurst Junior High School | Anaheim Union High School District |
Importance of Art | Henry J. Kaiser High School | Fontana Unified School District |
Kaweah HS Painting
| Kaweah High School | Exeter Unified School District |
Music In Belmont | Belmont High School | Los Angeles Unified School District |
Revelation | Arcata High School | Northern Humboldt Union District |
School Wars: The Arts Awaken | Livermore High School | Livermore Valley Joint Unified School District |
The Magic Power | Los Angeles County High School for the Arts | LACOE |
Trans_non-binary Message | Lincoln High School | San Jose Unified School District |
TV Inspires Me | A.B. Miller High School | Fontana Unified School District |
Undead | Livermore High School | Livermore Valley Joint Unified School District |
We are the Arts | East Los Angeles Performing Arts Magnet | LAUSD |
What If? | East Los Angeles Performing Arts Magnet | Los Angeles Unified School District |
Why School Schoul Start at 10am | SouthEast Middle School | LAUSD |