At this moment, California's education system is undergoing an unprecedented process of re-evaluation and re-investment. California's Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) requires local school boards to address goals that include student engagement, parental involvement, school climate, student achievement and pupil outcomes. The arts speak directly to those outcomes. School boards are seizing this opportunity to invest in arts education strategies in unprecedented ways.
We want to build upon their commitment, and to spread the word to neighboring districts, by offering a fresh approach to our new educational priorities.
LCFF offers an opportunity for arts education to emerge as a strategy that districts pursue to enhance student learning and improve school climate. For example, in the Chula Vista Unified School District, $15 million has been invested in hiring over 70 credentialed arts teachers to ensure that all students receive instruction in music, theatre, dance, and visual arts. Learn more.
An Arts Education Plan is produced from a strategic planning process that creates a visionary, sustainable plan designed to increase the quality, quantity and equity of arts education in schools.
The Alliance recently celebrated Napa Valley Unified School District, where a team composed of district and community leaders came together to create a five-year plan that will guide decision making to achieve complete arts education for all students K-12.
As a result of the Alliance's policy and advocacy work, Title I funds are now being used for arts education strategies that support academic achievement among low-income students in California. In San Diego Unified School District, the school board has committed $3 million in Title I funds to support arts integration learning in 22 elementary schools. Learn more.
Student voices are essential to igniting change in the education landscape. Students can and should be included in district planning and advocacy efforts. In 2016, hundreds of students participated in the Alliance's Student Voices Campaign, an annual video advocacy campaign, spurring exciting changes in schools across California including the expansion of arts programs, the hiring of new teachers, and the addition of gender neutral bathrooms.
The implementation of Common Core curriculum also offers a unique opportunity to include the skills and practices inherent in arts education across subject matters. Learn more.