Vision Framework and Strategic Priorities
The Vision Framework represents the Alliance’s vision, its desired outcomes in the classroom, its success indicators, and the broad areas of policy and practice that the Alliance will advocate for and promote. The Alliance’s Policy Council, composed of allied partners from education, business, arts and parent organizations, develops the Vision Framework. The Vision Framework informs the annual Strategic Priorities, which are also developed by the Policy Council. By engaging a broad cross section of stakeholders, the Alliance will identify the most pressing issues and concerns facing arts education at the state and local levels. Read the Vision Framework [PDF: 116KB].
Strategic Priorities for 2011-2012
Each year, the Policy Council recommends and the Board of Directors approves a short list of strategic priorities that guide the Alliance’s work.
1. Provide expertise and leadership on arts education policy and practices to elected officials
- Appropriate use of categorical funds for arts education
- Articulating the role of the arts in advancing broader education goals, such as increasing high school graduation rates and workforce preparation.
2. Forge new partnerships that broaden and diversify the Alliance’s stakeholder base, such as
- Business Community
- Underserved/diverse populations
3. Build support for creativity and innovation in the larger education discussion
- Align with and leverage the work of the “ELI” team
- Promote specific legislation fostering creativity and innovation
4. Expand the reach and tactics of local advocacy
- Focus on equipping parents for advocacy through partnerships with groups such as PTA’s parent engagement program, English Learner Advisory Committees, CA Association for Compensatory Education, faith-based communities
5. Implement a campaign that champions local advocacy through grassroots partnerships and media opportunities
- Leverage complementary media efforts